Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Have you ever known a world changer? "So what exactly is a world changer?," you ask. Many may think that changing the world requires you to change the lives of people in other countries. Maybe you're of the notion that somewhere like Africa has to be on your agenda. There's a running joke about that in Christian circles. They say, "I'll go anywhere you want, Lord, just don't send me to Africa." While ministering in Africa would be great, world changing can be done right where you're at, in your own neighborhood, in your own country. But don't let fear limit you. God may have bigger plans than you can imagine. I think about people like Billy Graham. He started out preaching where he was. His ministry grew over the years, and he was reaching millions of people worldwide. Even after his death, his ministry continues to grow and flourish. I believe his top priority was to be obedient to the Word and to "go into all the world and preach the gospel." His "world" grew bigger as time marched on.

Most world changers start out doing the small things that don't tend to make you seem like anyone of great importance. But every act we do is of importance to God. It takes humility to do something that some might think is beneath their calling. Let me assure you, there is nothing beneath you when you are a follower of Christ. He humbled himself enough to come to save us. That required Him to be hung on a cross. So I don't think anything we could do can ever measure up to that. If I have to clean a toilet, clean up somebody's vomit, do some yard work, ride someone to a doctor's appointment, etc., I have to do that with the same joy as when I do what I love to do. Everything we do should be done as unto the Lord.

I want to be a world changer. The thing I need to remember, however, is that my family is part of that world. Sometimes people who are called to great things might forget that. There's room to do both.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Dandelion Dreams And Wishes...

Even though I've written blogs before, I have been considering writing a new blog for some time now. I know...blogspot is not the perfect spot for a blogger, and I really would like to make a separate blog in the future. But for now, this is where I am. 

I was driving my mother to a doctor appointment this morning when suddenly I started thinking about dandelions. It was the weirdest thing, but thoughts about people having dreams and children having wishes were intermingled in those sparks of inspiration. I started telling my mom about the thoughts and I felt excited. I could envision a child picking a dandelion and blowing with all their might as they wished for something special. I've done that as a child. My children did it, and now my grandsons do it. Anyway, I started talking about possible titles for a blog... Dandelion Dreams, Dandelion Wishes, or maybe something else. I told her I also wanted to incorporate pictures that I have taken or will take in the future. Then I got to thinking about the people I know whose dreams are to help others and how they have actually ended up giving people hope to dream for a better future.  I have several friends who are in ministry. They do things like provide clothes, food, homes, schooling, medical care and more. Many years ago, what they are doing now may not have been their original goal, but things have a way of progressing and eventually their desires changed. I believe that God was always leading them there. Their focus is no longer on what they can do for themselves, but rather, on what they can do for others. Some of the people they minister to may be wishing for a meal. Maybe they are sick and in need of medical help and they are wishing for someone to come help them. They have tangible needs, and it's good that people provide in those ways. But their wishes shouldn't stop there. They shouldn't be limited to thinking only about their immediate needs. They should be able to have hope  that they can accomplish their dreams and make their lives better even when they are currently living in difficult circumstances. Without hope, dreams die. I'd love to recognize those who help inspire hurting people, who encourage them, and view them as more than just a project to click off the proverbial checklist. I'd like to inspire myself and others to get out there and touch someone's life. Sometimes it's as simple as an encouraging word. Other times, it may require an intimate relationship of mentoring. 

Even as I'm typing this, thoughts are continuing to roll around in my head. I don't have a clue where they will take me. I suppose I will just have to let it play out.